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​Our courses

In recent years, the popularity of board games has been booming. In addition to the inherent board game enthusiasts, many schools have begun to pay attention to board games to train students' abilities in various aspects. Students will even participate in various open competitions, among which Catan is one of the focus events one.

Undertaking the U18 competition in the summer vacation, Hong Kong Catan Association (HKCA) intends to cultivate a new generation of academic competition organizing committee members, who will become referees for the joint school exchange competition and the U18 Cup next year. Learn to participate in Catan from another angle, learn to solve the contestants' problems in different situations, improve your resilience and concentration, and ensure the fair and smooth completion of the competition. After the students complete the class, they will serve as referees for joint school competitions under the leadership of their instructors to broaden their horizons.

In addition to the competition organizing committee, we also provide competition training courses. The mentor team members of the competition training course have rich experience in the world competition, the highest result is the world runner-up, and they have also trained the academic champion team to compete for the best results in the competition, unlock personal achievements, and win glory for the school!

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