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Privacy Policy Statement

The Privacy Policy Statement (PPS) is a general statement about the privacy policies of Hong Kong Catan Association (HKCA) in relation to the personal data it handles.


Our Commitment to Protecting Your Privacy

Hong Kong Catan Association (HKCA) is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of the personal information we hold by complying with the requirements of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. We will ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality. This policy may from time to time be revised, or otherwise changed where we deem necessary, so we recommend checking it occasionally. Any amendments to this policy will continue to be in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. In case of any inconsistency between the English and the Chinese version of this policy, the English version shall prevail.

Data Privacy Principles

When we collect personal data from you, we will provide you with a Personal Information Collection Statement on or before the collection in an appropriate format and manner (e.g. in paper form, web page or in a notice posted conspicuously near the counter where collection of personal data occurs).

We will not provide your personal data to third parties for any purposes without your consent.

Personal Information Collection Statement

The Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS) is a statement given by HKCA to be presented to the individual, the data subject, on or before collecting the personal data from that data subject, whether known or unbeknown (e.g. through the use of cookies). The PICS in both English and Chinese are required in paper form or web page, or in a notice posted conspicuously near the counter where collection of personal data occurs.

Purpose of Collection

The information collected from you will be used by HKCA for all purposes related to your use of HKCA's services.

Obligatory or Voluntary to Supply Personal Data

Provision of personal data by you is voluntary. Please note that it is mandatory for you to provide personal data marked with asterisks (*). In the absence of your complete and accurate personal data, we may not be able to provide you with the services you require or it may also result in being deferred or rejected.

Disclosure of Personal Data

The data collected will be kept in confidence. We will not provide your personal data to third parties for any purposes without your consent.

We may disclose data when required by law or other government and regulatory authorities; or if explicit consent to such disclosure is given by the data subject.


Rights of Access and Correction of Personal Data

You have the right to request access to and correction of personal data held by us about you. If you wish to review or correct your personal information, please submit a request to the staff of the unit/the Association.


Retention of Personal Data

We will only retain your personal data (data) to achieve the purpose stated in the collection of data. If the data is no longer required for the purpose, we will erase the data according to the time period as stipulated in the internal guidelines of HKCA.

Catan GmbH ©2002,
©1995, 2015 KOSMOS Verlag Pfizerstr. 5-7, 70184 Stuttgart, Germany

版權所有© 2023 

Hong Kong Catan Association Limited 香港卡坦協會有限公司
(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee 於香港註冊成立的擔保有限公司)

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